Send Emai Later Mail App Mac

May 24, 2016 If your Mac is not awake, it will not be able to send a trigger to the Automator app and thus your email will not be sent. If you want to send an email at a specified time in the future without using a third-party app, the native apps on your Mac can help you do that. Mar 16, 2020 If you're unable to send or receive mail or if you experience delays in receiving mail, restarting Mac Mail will usually fix the problem. However, if you've restarted Mac Mail but are still experiencing issues, the problem could be incorrectly entering a recipient’s email address, or a temporary mail issue.

You can send email from Direct Mail through your Gmail or G Suite account. Please be aware that Google imposes limits on the amount of email you can send through your account. Instead of using Gmail or G Suite to send your email, we recommend using our e3 Delivery Service for a faster, more seamless experience.

Here's how to send email through your Gmail or G Suite account:

  1. Choose Direct Mail > Preferences from the menu bar.
  2. Click Accounts
  3. Click the '+' sign at the bottom of the window and select “Google Account”
  4. In the browser window that appears, follow the on-screen instructions to authorize Direct Mail to send email via your Google account
  5. Return to Direct Mail and close the Preferences window

Send Email Later Mail App Mac Not Showing Message Content To Right

Now, when you send a message, select your Google account from the 'Send Using' popup menu.


Google places limits on the amount of email you can send via your account. Please see this page for more information. If you need to send more email than Google allows, please try our e3 Delivery Service for a faster, easier way to deliver your email.

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