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If you can't access the administration page

Profile Manager's basic set-up is in Server app. You must use Safari to access Profile Manager's /mydevices web page and the administration web page.

Systems Manager checks the device throughout the day, and the profile will only apply if the criteria is met. For enterprise, it is also important to consider Data Leakage Protection (DLP). Using Systems Manager, the administrator can restrict mail to only the built-in mail application, preventing untrusted third-party apps from being used,. May 11, 2017  Method B: Export a Profile Manager certificate. Profile Manager is Apple’s reference MDM product (or proof-of-concept, depending on how jaded you are about it). It’s bundled with macOS for US$20 and requires macOS (or a VM running it). It has a neat feature where with only an Apple ID it can submit a certificate request to Apple.

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Delete app and old profile from device; Resign app. Install re-signed app on device; Go to Settings-General-Profiles (see new provisioning profile) This seems to be a bullet-proof way to confirm the provisioning profile was updated and since the profile only has the 1 signing certificate in it. Then we must be signed with the new cert. Dec 05, 2014 Profile Manager is a service that helps to provide standardization for the computers used in an enterprise. It helps establish a baseline for standardization and also doubles as a MDM suite for.

Only server administrators can access your administration page. The URL format for your administration page is:

  • https://your_server's_fully_qualified_domain_name/profilemanager

To enrol an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or a Mac, go to:

  • https://your_server's_fully_qualified_domain_name/mydevices

If you can't access the administration page with a web browser other than Safari, try with Safari. If you can't access it with Safari, try the following troubleshooting steps.

Check your DNS server

DNS settings are important when you're managing a Profile Manager deployment. If Profile Manager doesn't open, make sure that your server points to a reliable DNS server.

If you can't push profiles or apps to clients


If you are experiencing issues when you push profiles or apps to client systems, check the system log file in Console. If it reports that your server can't reach Apple's APNs servers, check your network's configuration. Make sure that all the needed ports are open.

For more information, turn on APNS debug logging with these Terminal commands:

You can find the log file at /Library/Logs/apsd.log.

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When your APNS transactions have been logged, use these Terminal commands to turn off debug logging:

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If you get other issues with Profile Manager

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Profile Manager logs can help you fix issues with Profile Manager. You can find a symbolic link named 'devicemgr' at /var/log. This file points to /Library/Logs/ProfileManager, where you can find these logs:

  • Provides the status of querying and syncing Open Directory and Active Directory users and groups.
  • Reports errors that occur from queries executed by devicemgrd.
  • Displays entries related to sending push notifications.
  • Displays entries related to DEP and VPP transactions.
  • Logs information related to MDM related user authentication from macOS network users.
  • Displays the status of starting and stopping the managed ruby processes that support the Profile Manager web page (/profilemanager and /mydevices). This log is sometimes empty.
  • Shows the status and details of migration from a previous version.


  • Lists the IP addresses of devices that Profile Manager manages. If your devices are behind Network Address Translation (NAT), IP addresses listed here might not match.
  • Shows the interaction of MDM commands sent to devices and their responses.
  • Lists profile installation attempts and all commands sent to devices.


  • Displays the status of starting and stopping the individual php-fpm helper processes.


  • Issues with PHP are logged to this file.
  • Logs any queries with Profile Manager's PostgreSQL database that result in an error.
  • This also logs commands that change the database schema.
  • Logs all user interactions performed in the Profile Manager administration page.
  • Lists error messages related to the Profile Manager web page (/profilemanager and /mydevices).
  • Managed ruby process transaction issues are logged here.
  • Logs the starting and stopping of the Profile Manager service.

These logs can also provide helpful information:

  • /var/log/apache2/service_proxy_error.log
  • /var/log/system.log

In macOS Sierra and later, some information is stored via Unified logging. The following terminal command can provide you with some additional helpful information:

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About transaction 'failures'

Some of these logs might list transaction 'failures' or retries. Most of these entries are expected and don't indicate an issue. These logged events are conflicts between attempts to modify the underlying PostgreSQL database at the same time. These kinds of failures are retried until they succeed.

You can identify transaction conflicts when you see any of these notes in your log files:

  • Cancelled on conflict out to pivot
  • could not serialise access due to concurrent update
  • @@@ Retry #X
  • @@@ Retry X

Use verbose logging to find more info

More information on how to fix an issue is sometimes available if you increase the log level. To gather the information you need, reproduce the issue after you increase the logging level.

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When you've finished, revert to the original logging level. If you leave the logging level at a higher setting, it decreases the available space on your start-up drive.

Turn on verbose logging

To increase the level of logging, use this Terminal command:

This automatically restarts Profile Manager Service.

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Turn off verbose logging

To revert the logging level back to its original setting, use this Terminal command:

This automatically restarts Profile Manager Service.

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Learn more

  • See the ports used by Profile Manager.
  • Get Profile Manager Help
  • Learn what to do if you can't use the Apple Push Notification service

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